
Uya Ox Day Promotion - Hitsumabushi

Join us for a sizzling Midsummer Day of the Ox Bonanza! 真夏の風物詩、土用の丑の日到来!

Exclusively on 30 July 2023! 今年は7月30日! Immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience filled with delicious unagi dishes, thrilling activities, exclusive discounts and all happening for 1 day only. This event is a tribute to the tradition of enjoying perfectly charcoal-grilled live unagi eel during the summer season. Known as 土用の丑の日 “Doyo no Ushi no Hi” in Japan, 30 July 2023 marks the transition from summer to autumn. Celebrate with us as we offer a variety of mouthwatering unagi dishes that help combat the intense summer heat and replenish your energy. As a token of our gratitude for your support over the past 5 years, join us on this special day for the continuation of our tradition with the “Toss the Dice” promotion. Bring your family down to revel in a day filled with food, laughter, and excitement, along with family-oriented activities that promise fun and enjoyment for all.


このイベントは夏の時期、炭火焼きの活鰻を食した習慣に基づき、夏から秋への季節の移り変わりに食した土用の丑の日として知られています。 夏の激しい暑さで夏バテしないようエネルギー補充の働きのある食欲をそそる様々な鰻料理をご提供、一緒に祝いましょう。5年間のご支援のお礼に、私共の慣習「サイコロ投げ」プロモーションに参加しませんか。ご家族と一緒にお腹いっぱいの食べ物、笑い声、エキサイトに満ちたご家族向けのアクティビティで心ゆくまでお楽しみ下さい。

Event Highlights イベントのハイライト: 🎲 “Toss the dice” for a chance to enjoy discounts up to 60% off Unagi sets. Simply order any Unagi set and throw a dice upon billing, the number the dice lands on will determine your discount (i.e. landing on a 6 will give you 60%). / “サイコロ投げ” では鰻セットが最大6割引になるチャンス。鰻セットを注文し、お会計の際にサイコロを投げると、出た目の数で割引率が決まります。(例えば6が出れば6割引) 🐠 “Guess the number of eels in the tank” to win $20 UYA dining vouchers. / “水槽の中の鰻は何匹?” ずばり当てた方には$20のう屋お食事券を差し上げます。 😊 Decipher the emojis on our “Unagi Emoji Challenge”, exclusively on our UYA’s Instagram account (@uya_sg) and stand a chance to win a large HitsumabushiThe challenge will be live from 12 pm on 30 July until 12 midnight on 1 August. Winners will be announced on 2 August at 12 pm. / “鰻絵文字解読チャレンジ” う屋のインスタ(@uya_sg) にある絵文字を解読した方には、ひつまぶし(Lサイズ)が当たるチャンス。このチャレンジは7月30日12:00pmから8月1日0:00amまでライブ配信。当選者は8月2日12:00pmに発表。 🎩 Fun activities for all ages include a roving magician and eel-themed temporary body art station. / 移動マジシャンや鰻がテーマの一時的なボディアートなど年齢に関係なく楽しめるアクティビティ有り。
Extended Opening Hours for both Novena & Orchard Outlets 営業時間延長のお知らせノベナ店&オーチャード店 Lunch – 11:30am to 3:00pm (Last order 2:30pm) ノベナ店&オーチャード店:ランチ – 11:30amから3:00pm (ラストオーダー2:30pm) Dinner – 5:30pm to 9:30pm (Last order 9:00pm) ディナー – 5:30pmから9:30pm (ラストオーダー9:00pm) Reservations in advance are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to avoid disappointment. お席の確保のため事前予約をお勧めします。

Terms and Conditions諸条件:

• Only eligible on Hitsumabushi and items under ‘Eel Set Menu’ | ひつまぶし並びに鰻セットメニューのみ
• Each table is only entitled to ONE dice throw to determine discount | 1テーブルに付き1回のサイコロ投げ
• The final landing of the dice is the final result of discount given (i.e. 1 = 10%, 6 = 60%) | サイコロが止まった時の上面が割引率(1なら10%、6なら60%)
• Dice must be thrown above and behind your head, outside of the restaurant before settling the bill | 会計後、レストラン外で後ろ向きに頭上からサイコロを投げる
• Management reserves the right to amend T&Cs without prior notice | マネジメント(経営管理者)は予告なしに諸条件を変更できる権利を有する
• Not valid in conjunction with any other promotions, discounts, or privileges.

Dine, Snap, and Redeem $20 UYA Dining Vouchers!
食事、スナップ写真、引き換え! $20のう屋食事券をゲットしよう!

Indulge in a delectable dining experience at UYA 炭焼活鰻料理 and enjoy fantastic rewards. Simply follow these easy steps:

1️. Dine-in at any of our UYA outlets, located at Wheelock Place or Novena.
2️. Capture the moment! Take a photo of your delightful dining experience at UYA.
3️. Share the love on Facebook, Instagram, or Google and tag us. 
4️. Redeem your $20 dining voucher! Show your tagged post to our friendly staff, and you’ll receive your exclusive voucher to use on your next visit.



1. う屋各店(ウィーロック店またはノベナ店)でお食事。


Terms and conditions apply. ご利用に際し、諸条件有り。

UYA Dining Vouchers
UYA ダイニングバウチャー(お食事券)

Give the gift of an extraordinary dining experience at UYA 炭焼活鰻料理 with our exclusive dining vouchers. Delight your loved ones with the rich and tantalising flavours of perfectly charcoal-grilled live unagi eel. Whether it’s for a special occasion, a celebration, or simply to show your appreciation, UYA’s dining vouchers are the perfect choice.

UYA 炭焼活鰻料理のダイニングバウチャーを贈って、素敵なダイニング体験をプレゼントしませんか?

UYA dining vouchers are available for purchase at our Wheelock Place outlet. Please note that these vouchers can only be redeemed at our Wheelock Place outlet.

UYAのダイニングバウチャーはWheelock Place店で購入頂けます。またこれらのバウチャーはWheelock Place店でのみご利用頂けます。